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Contraceptive Needs and Services, 2001-2002

Women between the ages of 13 and 44 who are sexually active and able to become pregnant, but do not wish to become pregnant, are in need of contraceptive services and supplies. Those who are poor or low-income, as well as teenagers, may need subsidized care. These tables report on the current status of contraceptive needs and services in the United States as a whole, for the 10 federal regions and for each state and county.

This table provides an overview of how well each region and state is meeting the need for publicly funded contraceptive services. It shows the total number of women needing contraceptive services, the number of women served by publicly funded clinics, and the proportion of women in need of public services who receive them from clinics, all by region and state, 2001-2002.

Table 1. Total number of women aged 13-44 and number of women in need of contraceptive services and supplies, by age, poverty status and race/ethnicity, 2002—National, Regional and State Summary

Table 2. Number of women in need of publicly supported contraceptive services and supplies, by race/ethnicity and need status (under age 20 or age 20-44 and under 250% of poverty), 2002—National, Regional and State Summary

Table 3. Total number of publicly funded family planning clinics by type of provider, number of female contraceptive clients served, and number of Title X-funded clinics and clients served, 2001—National, Regional and State Summary

Detailed County Tables

Click below to access the county-level detailed tables for a selected state (all links are to pdf files)

The Availability and Use of Publicly Funded Family Planning Clinics: U.S. Trends, 1994-2001 , Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 2004, 36(5):206-215.

This research was supported by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) under grant FPR000072 and by a grant from the Compton Foundation.

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